Services Provided
Professional Development Workshops & Public Speaking
Cultivating your Professional Network
Creating Geo-STEM Learning Ecosystems
Building strategic connections between scientists and communities
The science of environmental change, geologic hazards, natural resources, and systems-thinking
Connecting the science to students' lives
Inclusive Leadership: privilege and implicit bias
Proposal Development
Outline, describe, and assign Proposal Components
Annotated Bibliography or Full Literature Review
Compiling existing text and aligning with RFP guidelines
Develop or review Logic Model
Develop Activities
Develop or review budget
Develop or review Evaluation Plan
Red Team Review
Research and Evaluation
Mixed-Methods - Combining quantitative and qualitative methods to develop a deeper understanding of issues
Social Network Analysis (includes data preparation, map generation, metrics analysis, and summary)
Institutional/Project Demographic Survey with high return rate
Development, collection, and analysis
Written Summary
Quantitative Document Review
Archived Data
Compiling, Analysis, and Summary
Production of Scholarship (publications, presentations)
Interviews: Protocol Development with secure Zoom Interviews (recorded) and transcription
Thematic Analysis
Qualitative Survey and Artifact Review
Analysis of on-site Team meetings/summits with a post-experience survey