Projects & Publications
Current & Past Consulting Projects
My passion lies in bridging the gap between scientific research and public comprehension. I strive to generate Earth science educational experiences that enable individuals to make well-informed decisions regarding the environment, natural resources, and natural hazards. How do I do this?
I work with Earth science researchers to co-design, implement, and assess the broader impacts of their research.
2024-2025: UW-Madison GEOPAths LETS-GEO
I collaborate with organizations and agencies to create Earth systems science educational opportunities for stakeholders and communities.
2024-2026: Climate Resilient Colorado -- NASA Earth to Sky Community of Practice
2024-...: Buffalo Park Community Garden Administration and Outreach
I support grant-writing efforts that include geoscience & transdisciplinary education efforts; belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, & inclusion; and transformative community research.
2023- 2024 Amiable Consulting
2024 SZ4D Demographic Profile
I evaluate the educational efforts of nonprofit, research, and outreach programs.
2024: Evaluation of the Water Educators Network for Water Education Colorado
I co-create and evaluate curriculum materials to ensure they are creative and data-rich, engaging learners in solutions rooted in their local environments.
2024: UNLV GEOPAths Legends
2023: CU-Boulder HEARTForce
Manning, C.L.B. and LADUE, N. D. (submitted): How Teachers’ Experience, Sense of Belonging, Knowledge, and Worldview Contribute to Place-based Sustainability Science Instruction.
Manning, C. L., & LaDue, N. D. (2024). Geo-STEM learning ecosystems: A transdisciplinary theory-based framework to establish and engage communities in the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-15.
Manning, Cheryl L.B., "Methods for Investigating Geo-Stem Learning Ecosystems: A Case-Study of Illinois Earth Science Teachers" (2023). Graduate Research Theses & Dissertations. 7834.
Manning, C. L. B. (2020), Engaging communities in geoscience with STEM learning ecosystems, Eos, 101,
Robeck, E., Awad, A., Semken, S., Manning, C. L. B., Daniels, M., & Blankenbicker, A. (2020). Earth Science All Around: Using Immersive Virtual Field Trips with Place-Based Instruction in Earth and Space Science Education. The Earth Scientist, 36(1), 15–21.
LaDue, N. D., & Manning, C. B. (2015). Next Generation Science Standards: A call to action for the geoscience community. GSA Today, 25(2), 28-29.
Stokes, D., Jenkins, C., Huhnke, L., Grey, G., Manning, C.L.B. (2000). Math and Science Curriculum Revision: A Collaborative Approach to Improving Preservice Teachers' Use of Technology Knowledge and Instructional Skills. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 1832-1832). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Brown, C. L. (1993). Early tectono-sedimentary history of a Neogene extensional basin in east-central Nevada. Masters Thesis, Montana State University-Bozeman, College of Letters & Science.
I've had the opportunity to facilitate in-person and online teacher professional development courses through the Earth Systems Science Education Alliance and Climate Literacy and Educational Awareness Network (CLEAN).
I have taught a variety of college geology laboratory courses, including the lab sections required for Introductory Earth Science, Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, Environmental Science, and Structural Geology. I taught Introductory Planetary Geology and was a co-instructor of Geology Field Camp.
At the secondary level, I have taught 8th-grade Integrated Science, and numerous high school STEM courses including Algebra, Earth & Space Science, AP Environmental Science, Physics, Honors Chemistry, and Senior STEM Capstone.
Current Research
Geoscience Education Research
Social & Environmental Justice in the Geosciences
Sustainability & Place-based learning
Power of Professional Networks
Other Activities
In 2009, I was an ARMADA master teacher and worked as a sedimentologist on the Woods Hole R/V Knorr in the equatorial Pacific collecting deep-sea sediments.
I spent the 2018-19 school year in Washington, D.C. serving the National Science Foundation, Directorate of Geosciences as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow.